Functional Fitness
Mix It Up... Get Your Whole Body Moving!

Functional Fitness Training
When Function Meets Form
We can all find ourselves in a rut with our workout routine. Our results start to plateau and we just get bored of going to the gym. That’s when we need to try something new!
Functional Fitness was created to resemble everyday activities and focus on the specific muscle groups that tend to be overlooked by other types of training. After all it doesn’t matter if you can bench 350 pounds, but you pull a muscle while putting a kayak on your car or lifting a box or printer paper.

Functional Fitness focuses on strength and conditioning workouts made up of physical movement with a medium to high intensity level. The movements are actions that you might find in everyday life, like pulling, lifting, stepping, pushing and more. Although the actions are repetitive, the workouts are not. It’s common to find different workout routines for each day of a 30-90 day period. This constant changing of workouts confuses the muscles and conditions the body for greater overall strength and flexibility.
When Function Meets Form
We can all find ourselves in a rut with our workout routine. Our results start to plateau and we just get bored of going to the gym. That’s when we need to try something new!
Functional Fitness was created to resemble everyday activities and focus on the specific muscle groups that tend to be overlooked by other types of training. After all it doesn’t matter if you can bench 350 pounds, but you pull a muscle while putting a kayak on your car or lifting a box or printer paper.

Functional Fitness focuses on strength and conditioning workouts made up of physical movement with a medium to high intensity level. The movements are actions that you might find in everyday life, like pulling, lifting, stepping, pushing and more. Although the actions are repetitive, the workouts are not. It’s common to find different workout routines for each day of a 30-90 day period. This constant changing of workouts confuses the muscles and conditions the body for greater overall strength and flexibility.

Lifelong ROI
The Return On Investment, or benefits of Functional Fitness can be noticeable in many other aspects of exercise and life in general. You may experience improvements in jogging, walking, running, pushing & pulling, jumping, bending, twisting & turning, climbing, swinging, lifting, and more. The goal of this training is to target the three cardinal planes of movement (Sagittal, Frontal, and Transverse) so these activities have smooth rhythmic motions.
We achieve this through repeated practice of precise movements that focus on coordinating different types of muscle contractions (Eccentric, Concentric, and Isometric).
Lifelong ROI
The Return On Investment, or benefits of Functional Fitness can be noticeable in many other aspects of exercise and life in general. You may experience improvements in jogging, walking, running, pushing & pulling, jumping, bending, twisting & turning, climbing, swinging, lifting, and more. The goal of this training is to target the three cardinal planes of movement (Sagittal, Frontal, and Transverse) so these activities have smooth rhythmic motions.
We achieve this through repeated practice of precise movements that focus on coordinating different types of muscle contractions (Eccentric, Concentric, and Isometric).

At The Strong Hold, our team is dedicated to working with you to assess and tailor a program around you with support to help you get to where you need to be through Personalized 1:1 Training. We take a big picture approach and encourage people to be aware of their movements throughout the day. We can then incorporate Functional Fitness exercises to target these core muscle groups in addition to traditional strength training.

No Two Function The Same
At The Strong Hold, our team is dedicated to working with you to assess and tailor a program around you with support to help you get to where you need to be through Personalized 1:1 Training. We take a big picture approach and encourage people to be aware of their movements throughout the day. We can then incorporate Functional Fitness exercises to target these core muscle groups in addition to traditional strength training.

Let's Get Started!

If you want to accelerate your results, we would love to help get you there! Let’s start by an in person chat or we could speak over the phone if you prefer.
Shoot us a message with this handy form, or get in touch by one of the other methods below.
Let's Get Started!
If you want to accelerate your results, we would love to help get you there! Let’s start by an in person chat or we could speak over the phone if you prefer.
Shoot us a message with this handy form, or get in touch by one of the other methods below.