Free Weights

Free Weights

There’s not a lot you can say about free weights, right?

Well that’s true to some extent. By now most of us have grown to expect a certain caliber of weight systems from professional gyms, and that’s exactly what we provide.
At The Strong Hold, our team keeps all the equipment professionally maintained and we keep our padded weight area tidy with designated zones for the safety of the lifters, their spotters, and those passing by. 

There’s not a lot you can say about free weights, right?

Well that’s true to some extent. By now most of us have grown to expect a certain caliber of weight systems from professional gyms, and that’s exactly what we provide.
At The Strong Hold, our team keeps all the equipment professionally maintained and we keep our padded weight area tidy with designated zones for the safety of the lifters, their spotters, and those passing by. 

Let's Get Started!

If you want to accelerate your results, we would love to help get you there! Let’s start by an in person chat or we could speak over the phone if you prefer. 
Shoot us a message with this handy form, or get in touch by one of the other methods below.
FB Messenger

Let's Get Started!

If you want to accelerate your results, we would love to help get you there! Let’s start by an in person chat or we could speak over the phone if you prefer. 
Shoot us a message with this handy form, or get in touch by one of the other methods below.
FB Messenger